The Professional Supervisor Role



What is the role of the professional supervisor?

The professional supervisor has overall responsibility for the assessment of the specific learning outcomes during the practicum (Education Council, 2010).

The professional supervisor is the Faculty of Education and Social Work’s representative for liaison with principals, practicum coordinators, associate teachers and student teachers prior to, during and after the practicum placement.

This includes:

  • being an advocate for quality teaching practice that is based on current theory and research
  • contributing to student’s professional learning during the practicum placement by modelling quality teaching and learning practice including a knowledge of: how students learn; effective planning, programming and student assessment; and effective interpersonal and communication skills
  • collaborating with associate teacher(s) and other school-based staff to ensure effective and coordinated support, guidance and developmental opportunities are provided to students
  • maintaining contact with, and undertaking a number of visits to, the student depending on the structure of the particular practicum

These contacts may include:

  • liaison which generally involves speaking to the student teacher(s) and associate teacher(s) about expectations and progress but usually not observing in the classroom; and/or
  • a mentoring session which aims to more fully facilitate the learning of the student teacher(s) during the practicum and this may involve an observation of teaching and completion of an observation report; and/or
  • facilitation of peer learning: which aims to encourage students to support each other’s development as research-informed inquiry-based practitioners.

Note: When more than one student teacher is in a school the professional supervisor may at times work with the student teachers as a group to facilitate peer learning.

The professional supervisor extends to the student teacher the courtesies expected for adult learners and junior professional colleagues. This includes:

  • ensuring that email contact is established and maintained with the student teacher (the student teacher should initiate this)
  • encouraging the student teacher to try out new ideas, reflect upon their practice, and to be actively involved in his/her own learning
  • enhancing the student teacher’s professional learning through informal discussion and written feedback following classroom observations (in person and/or via email/phone) and evidence-based focused written feedback following classroom observation(s), as required for the specific practicum (refer PS notes)
  • confirming with the associate teacher that the student teacher’s planning files meet school expectations aligned with faculty requirements (as outlined in the specific practicum brief)
  • checking the student’s reflections and observation documents meet the specific practicum requirements
  • providing feedback on the student’s early reflection and observation work during the practicum. Refer concerns related to the student’s reflection and observation work to the EDPRAC Course Co-ordinator.
  • discussing and documenting areas requiring attention
  • facilitating the summative assessment process
  • ensuring that the student collects evidence and can articulate a justification for their inclusion of that evidence in their professional portfolio
  • ensuring that all sections of the assessment report are completed and discussed with the student teacher at the end of the practicum
  • liaising with the EDPRAC Course Co-ordinator when there are concerns regarding the student’s progress during the practicum

For all assessed practica, the professional supervisor should make contact during the first week to arrange an initial visit. At the time of the initial visit, arrangements should be made for observation visit/s and the final professional conversation. Where contact has not been made, student teachers should email or phone their professional supervisor.

Important note: Throughout the practicum, the professional supervisor acts as the Faculty of Education and Social Work’s liaison and should be the first point of contact for all professional matters.

 Professional supervisors must carry some form of photo ID (for example, driver license) as proof of identity when entering the practicum school.